Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tenney Family Portraits

A few weeks ago I photographed a wonderful bunch of siblings. 4 kids from 10 years down to 6 months old along with their dog Baloo was quite a challenge. But with the help of a great assistant we pulled it off. The oldest son has Cerebral Palsey and was a delight to work with. All of the kids were full of energy and we had a great time. I put together a few montages that Mom was pretty happy with. My favorites are the baby portraits. She was such a cutie!

Amber Senior Portraits

Wow, it's been a LONG time since I posted. I told you all I wouldn't be able to catch up! Kenna is now 19 months old and a busy, busy bee. She is always on the go and wants to "wok" everywhere. Her talking and learning new words is making life so much fun and interesting for us right now. You never know what she's going to say next! So needless to say, I barely have much time to do anything extra. I have been doing alot of family pictures and this past Saturday started my busy wedding season. I will try to post a few of those pictures in a couple weeks.

I did have the pleasure recently of taking senior portraits of Amber who is a senior at Cambridge Springs. I took some outdoor portraits back in the fall but she wanted more with an inside studio look. So here are a few what what we got.